.EU Domain Name Rules/Requirements

Domain Name related Rules

Common Domain Name Rules (Anchor: common)

Domain Name Registration (Anchor: reg)

  • A .EU domain name may be Registered for 1 to 10 years.

  • .EU domain names may only contain alphabets a to z, numbers 1 to 9 and hyphens.

  • The eligibility criteria for registering a .EU domain name is as listed below:

    • An EU citizen, independent of their place of residence.
    • A natural person who is not an EU citizen and who is a resident of a Member State.
    • An undertaking that is established in the EU or
    • An organisation that is established in the EU, without prejudice to the application of national law.
  • Some names have been blocked or reserved by the European Commission and the Member states:

    • Blocked Names

      • List of names submitted by Member States of the European Community with regard to the geographical and/or geopolitical concepts which affect their political or territorial organization that may either

        1. not be registered, or

        2. be registered only under a Second Level domain, according to the public policy rules.

        Download the complete list of Blocked .EU names

      • Two-letter codes representing countries are blocked and may not be registered as .EU domain names.

    • Reserved Names

      • Member States, countries to join the European Union in the future, and member countries of the European Economic Area (that are not Member States) have reserved their official name and the name under which they are commonly known in one or more of the official languages of the European Union. See details

      • Certain names have been reserved by the European Commission for its own use or for use by the Community institutions and bodies. See details

      • The following names are reserved for the operational functions of the Registry:

        • eurid.eu

        • registry.eu

        • nic.eu

        • dns.eu

        • internic.eu

        • whois.eu

        • das.eu

        • coc.eu

        • eurethix.eu

        • eurethics.eu

        • euthics.eu

  • A .EU domain name does not have a Money Back Grace Period.

  • The Bulk Registration feature is not supported for .EU domain names.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Registration

  • qcc91 supports Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) under .EU extension.

Domain Name Renewal (Anchor: ren)

  • A .EU domain name may be Renewed for 1 to 10 years.

  • .EU domain name registered before 15 Septemeber, 2014: Such a domain name will expire on the second last day of the month it was registered in and will be Deleted, if not Renewed.


    If you register yourdomainname.eu for 1 year on 15 April, 2013, it will expire on 29 April, 2014 and will be Deleted, if not Renewed till 29 April, 2014.

    If the domain name is Transferred on 20 December, 2013, it will expire on 29 April, 2015 and will be will be Deleted, if not Renewed till 29 April, 2015.

    .EU domain name registered after 15 Septemeber, 2014: Such a domain name will expire at the end of its registration term and will be Deleted, if not Renewed.


    If you register yourdomainname.eu for 1 year on 20 September, 2014, it will expire on 20 September, 2015 and will be Deleted, if not Renewed till 20 September, 2015.

    If the domain name is Transferred on 20 December, 2014, it will expire on 20 September, 2016 and will be Deleted, if not Renewed till 20 September, 2016.

Domain Name Transfer (Anchor: trf)

  • Upon Transferring a .EU domain name, the domain name gets renewed by 1 year.

  • All .EU domain names have a Domain (Transfer) Secret Key/Authorization Code.

    Authorization Code for a .EU domain name will have the format XXXX-AAAA-BBBB-CCCC where XXXX is a plain-text identifier of the current Registrar, and AAAA, BBBB and CCCC are blocks of 4 random characters (letters and digits) separated by dashes.

    The Authorization Code is generated upon request from the Registrar and is valid for a period of 40 days. Each time the code is requested, a new one will be generated on the spot, replacing the previous one and remaining valid for 40 days.

    Requests submitted during the first day (24 hours from the moment of first request) of the validity period of the code will not result in a new code being generated. The request will return the same code with the same remaining validity period.


    The first request for an Authorization Code is made on 15 Dec 2012 11.00 AM GMT. An Authorization Code will be generated with a validity of 40 days. All further requests for the code within the next 24 hours (16 Dec 2012 11.00 AM GMT) will return the same code with the same remaining validity period. Requests after the initial 24 hours will return a fresh Authorization Code.

    Authorization Code associated with a .EU domain name will become invalid immediately after use.

  • If you wish to transfer your .EU domain from qcc91 to another Registrar during the Redemption period, contact our Support Team at admin@qcc91.cn.

  • The Bulk Transfer feature is not supported for .EU domain names.

    Additional Information

    Bulk Transfer

Contact Details related Rules (Anchor: contact)

  • A .EU domain name displays only three Contacts (there is no Administrative Contact) when performing a Whois lookup:

    • Registrant Contact: This Contact represents the owner of the domain name.

    • Onsite Contact: This Contact is equivalent to the Technical Contact shown in all other domain names (other than .EU like .COM, .NET, .ORG, etc.). The .EU Registry allows the creation of a single Onsite Contact for all domain names registered through any Registrar. Therefore, this Contact can not be modified through the qcc91 system.

    • Billing Contact: The .EU Registry allows the creation of a single Billing Contact for all domain names registered through any Registrar. Therefore, this Contact can not be modified through the qcc91 system.

  • General Contacts used for other domain name extensions (TLDs) can not be used for a .EU domain name. It has a separate Contacts database, consisting of .EU Registrant Contact(s).

  • While mentioning your Contact information, you need to select the appropriate Registrant Type:

    • Individual: Upon selecting this option, you will prompted for only your Name. In the Whois of your .EU domain name(s), only your Name will be displayed as the Registrant Contact.

    • Company/Organization: Upon selecting this option, you will be prompted for both your Company Name as well as your Name. In the Whois of your .EU domain name(s), both your Company Name as well as your Name will be displayed as the Registrant Contact.

  • .EU Contacts support accented characters.

  • EURid does not allow registrant contacts to have the same email as the domain name being requested. Registry responds via EPP:
    The email of the registrant refers to the requested domain name.

    For eg: if the domain name being registered is abc.eu, the registrant contact cannot have admin@abc.eutest@abc.eu

  • .EU domain names do not support qcc91's Privacy Protection feature.

    Additional Information

    What is Privacy Protection?

  • The Bulk Modify Name Servers feature is supported for .EU domain names, while Bulk Modify Contacts is not supported.

Name Servers and Child Name Servers related Rules (Anchor: ns)

  • Each .EU domain name needs to have at least 1 Name Server and may have upto 9 Name Servers.

  • If you wish to modify/delete a Name Server of a .EU domain name, which appears to be the Child Name Server of the same .EU domain name, then you can not do so from the Manage Name Servers interface. This action is only possible from the Manage Child Name Servers interface.


    If you wish to modify/delete the Name Server ns1.yourdomainname.eu of yourdomainname.eu, then you will not be able to do so from this interface. This action is permissible from the Manage Child Name Servers interface only.

  • In case of .EU domain names, all Child Name Servers that you create/add, are automatically associated with that .EU domain name as a Name Server. The maximum number of Name Servers that can be associated with any .EU domain name is 9. If you have already created any Child Name Servers under this .EU domain name, then the number of Name Servers that you may associate with the .EU domain name would reduce by that many.


    • yourdomainname.eu

      Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourdomainname.eu and ns2.yourdomainname.eu

      These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers as well for this domain name: ns1.yourdomainname.eu and ns2.yourdomainname.eu

      This means that now for the domain name yourdomainname.eu, you may only associate upto 7 other Name Servers since every time you create a Child Name Server, it gets automatically associated with the .EU domain name as a Name Server.

    • yourotherdomainname.eu

      Name Servers used: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com

      Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourotherdomainname.eu, ns2.yourotherdomainname.eu

      These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers for this domain name: ns1.yourotherdomainname.eu, ns2.yourotherdomainname.eu

      So in all 4 Name Servers will be associated with yourotherdomainname.eu: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com, ns1.yourotherdomainname.eu, ns2.yourotherdomainname.eu

      This means that now for the domain name yourotherdomainname.eu, you may only associate upto 5 other Name Servers since every time you create a Child Name Server, it gets automatically associated with the .EU domain name as a Name Server.

  • In case of .EU domain names, all Child Name Servers that you create/add, are automatically associated with that .EU domain name as a Name Server. Due to this limitation, you will only be able to add upto 9 Child Name Servers for .EU domain names.

    The maximum number of Name Servers that can be associated with any .EU domain name is 9. If you have already added other Name Servers (not Child Name Servers of this .EU domain name), then the number of Child Name Servers that you may create would reduce by that many.


    • yourdomainname.eu

      Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourdomainname.eu and ns2.yourdomainname.eu

      These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers as well for this domain name: ns1.yourdomainname.eu and ns2.yourdomainname.eu

      This means that now for the domain name yourdomainname.eu, you may only add upto 7 other Child Name Servers or Name Servers since every time you create a Child Name Server, it gets automatically associated with the .EU domain name as a Name Server.

    • yourotherdomainname.eu

      Name Servers used: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com

      Child Name Servers created: ns1.yourotherdomainname.eu, ns2.yourotherdomainname.eu

      These Child Name Servers get automatically added as Name Servers for this domain name: ns1.yourotherdomainname.eu, ns2.yourotherdomainname.eu

      So in all 4 Name Servers will be associated with yourotherdomainname.eu: ns1.hostingprovider.com, ns2.hostingprovider.com, ns1.yourotherdomainname.eu, ns2.yourotherdomainname.eu

      This means that now for the domain name yourotherdomainname.eu, you may only add upto 5 other Child Name Servers or Name Servers since every time you create a Child Name Server, it gets automatically associated with the .EU domain name as a Name Server.

  • Each Child Name Server may have upto 9 unique IP Addresses associated with it.


    You can Register a Child Name Server with the Host Name ns1 for yourdomainname.eu and associate upto 9 unique IP Addresses with this Host Name.

  • You may associate IPv6 Address in Child Name Servers.